Factors to Consider When Selecting Pressure Washers for Kitchen Cleaning

Are you aware that a poor health assessment rating can mean a severe downturn in your food business while a clean rating may increase revenue? Basically, a clean commercial kitchen means sanitised food. By giving your customers food that is safe for intake, you are likely to attract more and more clients. The ideal pressure washer can ease commercial kitchen cleaning process by delivering a high-pressure jet of water that can blast away all sorts of dirt and grime. Selecting the perfect pressure washer might be quite challenging as there are varied options in terms of design, pressure capacity and purpose. Food business owners should consider three important tips when choosing the ideal pressure washer.

Is it diesel, petrol or electric pressure washer?

Typically, pressure washers function by drawing water from a mains supply and transmitting the water via a powerful motor that delivers a powerful gush of water via a hosepipe at the other end. Generally, diesel and petrol pressure washers are cheaper to operate. However, they emit harmful carbon monoxide releases when used for cleaning. They call for special ventilation to allow for safe removal of emissions.

On the other hand, electric washers, although they are costly to operate in terms of electricity expenses, don't emit any such harmful discharge. They can be used safely indoors without any fuss. For this reason, commercial kitchen owners prefer the use of electric washers.

Consider the bar rating

The bar rating specifies how strong the jet gush is on a particular pressure washer. It follows that the higher the bar rating, the stronger the jet gush is. Some pressure washers feature adjustable bar ratings. As a result, they allow you to change the bar rating according to the job at hand. Likewise, other washers feature adjustable nozzles that allow variation of the power of the jet gush.

By concentrating the gush on a smaller kitchen section, it is possible to raise the water pressure level of the jet gush. Similarly, by focusing the spurt over an extensive section, the washer produces a reduced pressure flow. Choose a pressure washer with a bar rating that is appropriate for your commercial kitchen cleaning needs.

Consider the water flow rating

Just as is the case with the bar rating, the water flow rating is another important consideration as far choosing a pressure washer is concerned. Note that the water flow rating establishes the volume of water a specific pressure washer can yield. Typically, the higher the water flow rating, the higher the volume of water per minute the pressure washer can spurt out. Since kitchen cleaning requires plenty of water at high speed because of stubborn stains, you would want to go for a pressure washer with a high water flow rating.

Contact a company such as http://www.lotusfilters.com.au to learn more.
